Thursday, May 29, 2014

Senior Project Reflection

1. Positive Statement

The thing that I'm most proud of is that a lot of people actually enjoyed my presentation and the activity was engaging. I was most proud of this because I really wanted my presentation to be engaging so people won't get bored and sleep. It was heavily activity based.

2.Questions to Consider

a. I would give myself a P+ on my Block Presentation
b. I would give myself a solid P on my overall senior project

3. What worked for me in senior project was that I actually found a mentor and I was surprised to find a decent amount of sources. Dancing is a pretty hard topic to find research on.

4. What didn't work was my 10 minute presentation because I had so much to say for so little time. The exit interviews also didn't work for me because it was a bit difficult to get your message across about dance.

5. Finding Value

This senior project has helped me in future endeavors by preparing me to be confident in what I'm going to talk about. In order to get more attention, I need to find a way to energize my presentations. An example would be that when I was presenting, I really enjoyed my topic and showed energy, thus causing the audience to enjoy it as well. The concept of showing energy also applies to my senior project topic. Overall, I feel like I've gotten better as a presenter.

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