Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blog 4: Interview Preparation


1. I plan on interviewing between Jesse and Heather. Jesse because he was actually in a known hip-hop competition and has pretty good experience with it that he can talk about. Heather because she was also in a hip-hop competition, is currently dancing for two crews, and based on the info I gathered, she's easier to talk to.

2. Here is a list of my questions:
    -How long have you been doing choreography?
    -Where did you learn choreography?
    -Could you please tell me more of your experience when learning it?
    -What made you interested in choreography in the first place?
    -What other types of hip-hop styles have you mastered?

Additional Questions:
    -When creating your choreography, how do you first come up with ideas for it?
    -How do you usually impress your audience? Could you give me some examples?
    -For you, is it mainly easy or hard to get through how you want your routine to be?
    -What's the first thing you should target whenever you start dance choreography?
    -How's it like actually performing in a competition/street battles?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1. My topic is Dance Choreography

2. This year, to become more of an:
  •  iPoly Citizen: I plan to interact more and participate in more activities than I usually do throughout the years. I will do as many as I can to experience it. Maybe join a club. It's my last year after all.
  • Effective Learner: I plan to keep myself busy with research with both assignments and things that I've may have missed from previous schools. Just wanna catch up on what I've missed.
  • Effective Communicator: I plan to talk with people more on what's wrong, what can be better, and what I need help with and not be afraid of expressing myself. Throw more ideas to ASB if I do have any.
  • Effective User of Technology: I plan to use appropriate technology for different purposes and try to learn more on using different technology.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer Mentorship Component

1. Mentorship Log
2. Chris Freeland
    (626) 939-8430
3. If we advertised our association more, would it get more people to join?
    Are there other cities that have their own youth council?
    Are there specific requirements to form a city youth council?

4. The most important thing I've gained from this experience is getting the confidence of being active in the community because most of my life, I've been shy when it came to things like voicing out my thoughts and interacting with other people I haven't really known. I knew I wouldn't really have fun if I didn't mingle with the other members so I just broke out of my shell. It also taught me more about being a "team player" and finding other things to do that's beneficial even if you aren't scheduled to do anything. It taught me how ASB works and what happens when EVERYONE does their part.

5. I've wanted to go out and meet new people who are within my district because I felt like I didn't know anyone, and I was getting bored of staying in the house all day. So, I decided to join a committee. Since I do my part in groups, I figured that this committee might actually work for me. The adviser of the committee mentioned to me that the group appealed to those in ASB and I wasn't in ASB. He mentioned later on that those who are supportive in groups are also good for it. I'm not really a leader but I do have some kept ideas that I can contribute to.