Saturday, September 14, 2013

Blog 6: Second Interview

1. My mentor is Heather Gonzalez and she works in a dance studio called "In the Lab 24/7".

2.-When and how did you start working in "The Lab 24/7"?
   -How and where did you learn your skills for hip hop?
   -Did you attend a dance school/program for hip hop? If so, can you please describe your experience in the school?
   -How did you get into dance crews outside of "The Lab 24/7"?
   -Were you recommended for a very special event? If so, what was the reason for it?

1 comment:

  1. Approved.

    -When and how did you start working in "The Lab 24/7"?
    -How and where did you learn your skills for hip hop?
    -Did you attend a dance school/program for hip hop? If so, can you please describe your experience in the school?
    -How did you get into dance crews outside of "The Lab 24/7"?
    -Were you recommended for a very special event? If so, what was the reason for it?
