Friday, September 6, 2013

Blog 5 Project Reflection and Working EQ

The Pentagon:

1. The positive thing that has happened over what I have completed so far is that I got a mentor to teach me more of hip hop since I love it a lot. I'm also becoming more involved with the dance studio I'm attending. I also have the ok to practice my own choreography with one of the instructors.

2. All my sources from Hip Hop Moves really taught me a lot about dance crews, choreography, and two types of hip hop that I usually do--lyrical and freestyle hip hop. While the other sources talk about the history and the affects of hip hop on the public, these sources go more in depth on choreography, styles, and crews in general.

3. What has worked out is that I was able to find a mentor, to be able to go to the dance studio since I enjoy it there, and actually getting progress done with this topic.

4. What hasn't worked out so far is that my second mentor who works at the same studio hasn't responded yet, so I'm still waiting for his reply and that my dad thinks I'm fooling around when I go to the dance studio.

-My potential EQ is "What is the best way to keep the audience, of all ages, viewing your choreography as a standing ovation?"
-I plan to shadow an instructor teaching a dance routine to students, at times, attend a dance routine session, and to plan a dance routine of my own with my mentor.

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