Monday, April 28, 2014

Exit Interview


1. My EQ is "How can a hip hop dancer best prepare a routine for an audition?" My following answers are:
-Immersing yourself in a song helps you find ideas on how you're going to convey its theme.
-Taking hip hop classes helps you find ideas on how you're going to make and teach your routine.
-Freestyle dancing can help you highlight certain moves you did that can be used for your dance routine.

My best answer is "Immersing yourself in a song helps you find ideas on how you're going to convey its theme."

2. To get this answer, I had to listen to many songs many times to figure out which types of moves really compliment the song. From the beats to the various sound effects and to the lyrics, I've thoroughly analyzed each element of a song. I've done this many times long before I chose my topic and gained more experience by mentorship.

3. The problems I faced were running out of ideas, the song going a bit too fast on certain verses, and knowing whether or not we can actually pull off certain moves. To solve running out of ideas, I looked on Youtube and dance routines in the studio to borrow moves. For fast verses, I had to think of alternative moves that had less movement and memorization but still looked cool to the song. For moves that we can't pull off, I had to think of easier moves that still looked attractive.

4. The two most significant sources I used to answer the question are sources from two different websites-- Dance Spirit and Human Kinetics. The source from Human Kinetics talks about what specific elements make dance routine more attractive. The source from Dance Spirit talks about how to get ideas for your dance routine, what the audience expect you to show, and being original with your own ideas.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Independent Component 2

a. I, Mark Patena, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b. -Interview with Val Ramirez
    -Arney, Juliane. "Sample Class: The Kids Wanna Dance!" Idea Fit. Health & Fitness Association, Mar. 2005. Web. 6 Mar. 2014. <>
c. My Independent Component 2 Hours Log
d. I've planned to make another choreography that will be used in my final presentation. I've first asked people on what they want to see in a hip hop routine. Considering their responses, I had to do long planning on how I should teach it to the audience as well as keeping the difficulty appropriate to the "new" dancers. I've filmed myself dancing to the chorus of "Rock Your Body" by Justin Timberlake. It would be impossible to finish the whole song during the final presentation.

Getting feedback from people is one good way to improve your dance routine. Keeping their responses in mind will require some editing in your dance routine. Also, the speed of progress when showing your choreography depends on your teaching style.    

This component helped answer my EQ because I got more experience teaching new people a dance routine. It got me thinking on how to get your dance choreography across more effectively. With the right moves for a song, you keep your dancers more interested.